Help you to create whatsapp bot in a minute, without coding

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Easy step to own whatsapp bot

Only 30 minutes!

  1. Register- Register via this link here.  (5 sec)
  2. Login and Add Bot - Login and add Bot (20 sec)
  3. Add/edit and manage Content  (15 minutes)
  4. Test/simulate your whatsapp bot in dashboard (5 minute)
  5. Download WA Auotoresponder in google play store and pay premium (10 sec)
  6. Check pricing table atDashboard menu pricing, make payment (2 minute)
  7. Setting URL webhook in your apps wa autoresponder (1 minute)
  8. Voilla... now you have your own whatsapp bot. Congratulations !
  9. Download  this PDF for guidance . you will need this PDF for understanding better what can provide services for you
  10. Penjelasan dalam Bahasa Indonesia , bisa download disini 

Create Whatsappbot for your own business,
Let people knows your services and your products in whatsapp messenger.